f-stop steve

This is my first attempt at a photoblog. I have been doing self-taught photography for most of my life. I hope you like this effort. Please click on the photos for enlargements.
"If I could tell the story in words, I wouldn't need to lug around a camera. ~Lewis Hine"

Friday, February 16, 2007

It's getting warmer!

Oh my. Spring is in the air. The sky is turning from black to a lovely shade of greyish-blue, the lake is starting to thaw and the temperature is begining to edge upwards towards the freezing point. The winds have shifted away from due north and the North pole and soon the sun will make its annual appearance and then the snow will begin to melt and disappear for several months.
February in Canada.
Oh yes, the other highlight? Spring training starts in less than two weeks. Soon it will be time to shovel drifts away from the barbeque and start the begining of Summer.
What an optimist!


  • At 11:10 a.m., Blogger Shalee said…

    Well, it's a little more spring here in KC than in Canada. The sun is shining, the ground that has been under snow for forever is actually visible and I saw a rabbit yesterday.

    Things are looking good. Very, very good. Whew.

    I hope you get a little more blue in that sky and a lot more heat in the air.

    And I'm glad to see that you're posting pics again. Does this mean that your computer is fixed?

  • At 9:52 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    LOL! I share the sentiments from over here in gray, cold, snowy upstate NY! Love the pics. Just got a new Canon sd600, and am buzy learning...


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