f-stop steve

This is my first attempt at a photoblog. I have been doing self-taught photography for most of my life. I hope you like this effort. Please click on the photos for enlargements.
"If I could tell the story in words, I wouldn't need to lug around a camera. ~Lewis Hine"

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Air traffic control? We seem to have a problem.

The Snowbirds. The pride of the Canadian Armed Forces. Nine highly trained pilots with skills unimagined by the general public. Until that fateful day when the other "Snowbirds" arrived. The baby-boomers with all the money. Instead of going South every year, they stayed home. They jumped at the opportunity to buy up surplus aircraft from the military and they had them painted to look just like the 'real' Snowbirds and then, without warning, just showed up at airshows. The Copycat snowbirds. From a distance, you can't tell them apart.
It's when they get up close that you see the tell-tale differences. The copycat Snowbirds sit lower in the seats and just peek out over the instrument panel and they will be the CT-114 Tutor with their turn signal on for hours on end.


  • At 1:08 p.m., Blogger Shalee said…

    I bet they'll fly just slow enough to get on your nerves too! And they're wearing a hat. All really pesky drivers seem to wear hats.


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