Dr. A. Ross Tilley OBE, OC, MD, FRCS
I never met Dr. Tilley, but I have met his lovely widow and some of his amazing patients and I have read and watched everything I could find about this amazing man.
He was born in Bowmanville, Ontario (my adopted hometown) and I had the honour of leading a campaign to have a school named for him.
I did it because I was told I couldn't do it. I did it because this man deserved it and I did it so his patients (World War II fighter pilots) could get the recognition they deserved as well.
Wednesday last, the town had a funeral for another Canadian soldier killed in Afghanistan. He was number 57. On the day of Trooper Caswell's funeral, Canada lost numbers 58, 59, and 60.
I am taking on another campaign - I am going to see what can be done to recognize the sacrifices of the Canadians who fight and die in Afghanistan. Fight and die for our freedom. If you are interested in helping (or starting your own campaign in your own town) let me know.
This world needs more heroes. I know where to find them.
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