f-stop steve

This is my first attempt at a photoblog. I have been doing self-taught photography for most of my life. I hope you like this effort. Please click on the photos for enlargements.
"If I could tell the story in words, I wouldn't need to lug around a camera. ~Lewis Hine"

Friday, April 14, 2006

My pet Beluga

TRUE STORY -Years ago, Sweetie and I drove down to Mystic, Conneticut. Why? Because we saw it on the map and thought it sounded cool, so we went. While we were there, we visited the Mystic Aquarium. One of the exhibits was a beluga whale pod and this guy was just neat to watch. Sweetie put her hand on the glass and the beluga came over and put his head on the spot where she had placed her hand. Did he sense the heat from her hand through the glass? It seems doubtful based on the thickness of the glass or was it some form of meaningful contact he wanted with humans. They continued this for several minutes. I thought I should take a photo and when the flash went off, the "smile" you see on his face appeared. I moved the flash off the camera , put it against the glass and when I test fired it anywhere on the glass, he moved his face to the spot and continued "smiling". It only stopped when the batteries in the flash died . I have never felt a stronger sense of "bonding" with any other wild animal than I did with this guy. What a marvelous experience.


  • At 8:08 a.m., Blogger Antique Mommy said…

    What a sweet story. Thanks for sharing it. Animals are amazing creatures.

  • At 9:49 p.m., Blogger Shalee said…

    I love those bonding stories.

    But not any that have to do with squirrels...


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